

So many changes happen in a year. Time really does fly. I’ve heard it said over and over again. But I truly realize it the older I get. When it comes to life a year ago, it’s almost hard to recall.

I do remember in 2013, we added another member to the family. A Catahoula/Plot cross known as Ace or, as I still call him at times, Puppy.

My husband Jake tells me over and over again, he isn’t a puppy anymore. I know this. He weighs 60 pounds and it is a little painful when he sits so close to me that he ends up on top of my toes.

It’s funny, just today I thought about the first time I saw him.

Jake brought him into the house and set him down on the couch with me. He was so tiny! I had just had surgery from a horseback riding accident and was home alone a lot. Ace and I spent a lot of time together. He’s been “my dog” ever since. He likes Jake. But he loves me.

I can barely remember the puppy he used to be. Looking at him now so much has changed. When I compare pictures between then and now, the first thing that comes to mind is that I am so glad I have these memories! Ace has a large collection of photos I have taken of him and I treasure all of them. Those photos tell the story of us. (I’m going to share more of the photos and the stories behind them at the end.)

The point of all of this is that I have great documentation of Ace’s first year because naturally, I photographed him as he grew.

And yes, some of these photos are on my iPhone… (which I have since lost, that’s another story…) but luckily, I have professional quality photos. They are in an album and on the wall.

These images are preserved in a way that I can look back with a smile and remember Ace exactly as he was.


I realized that I wanted to offer these memories and capture these moments for my clients. It occurred to me that I wanted to make a special puppy package—Puppy’s First Year

They grow up so fast. I get it. Whether your “baby” is human or animal, he or she won’t stay little forever. The day will come when it is hard to remember or even imagine them being tiny.  Luckily, when the memory is gone, photos can take the place.

That’s where my services come in!

I know you have a smartphone. You can take your own photos of your puppy.

Yes, I have done that too. I’ve had horses and dogs growing and changing. I’ve grabbed my phone and snapped away.

But I have never printed a photo from my iPhone before and now am on my 3rd iPhone.

What happens to all those photos? It’s sad but I don’t have a clue what all I even took or where those old phones are. That makes me sad!

I want you to have this same luxury with your own treasured photos all with package pricing.

Contact me for information on the timeline and pricing.

Questions? Ready to Book?

Contact me directly to get the scoop.

You can call 972-863-1986 or email jenna@jennaregan.com