
Is there anything funnier/cuter than a dog in a Halloween costume?!

I have been so excited to share the details of a fun October event I am planning with a few of my rescue friends, Brittany Rescue in Texas and Bulldog Rescue Squad.

All I can say is, it’s time to order your dogs’ Halloween costume asap! It’s going to be fantastic!

Sign up and join us for a one-of-a-kind opportunity for your dogs to come out and get special Fall photos taken of your dog in his or her Halloween costume and/or surrounded by Fall decor.

For the date for these OUTDOOR pet Halloween/Fall themed photo sessions contact me.

The Details

Here are some of the highlights:
-15- 20 minute photo session, complete with all sort of holiday decor and special touches. We’ll have plenty of time to get your dog comfortable and to capture his or her personality!

-Outdoors, natural setting.
This is not a cookie cutter experience indoors with a backdrop. That is great for some, but is just not my thing! I love working outdoors and creating a variety of shots. So that’s what I am doing! Each session’s images will be unique.

-Authentic Halloween experience. To make it even more special, the package includes a Halloween treat bag with doggy goodies!

-Reservations are required and therefore you’ll have a scheduled time just for your dogs! This cuts down on the waiting and the stress for you and your dog.

-Expect around 10-15 photos to choose from in the online gallery, after the event. Package includes two 5x7s, you pick the image. Also, these two images, along with any others purchased, will also be provided as complimentary web-optimized digitals so you can share and enjoy! You can order any additional prints and products if you desire.

Costumes are encouraged but not required. I will have Halloween bow ties and bows to use too.

The cost is $105 and that includes all of the above for two dogs. If you have more dogs, no problem! Just let me know. Reservations are required.

A portion of the proceeds will be given to two DFW rescues, Brittany Rescue in Texas and Bulldog Rescue Squad. Check them out and learn more about these great rescues and if you’re looking to adopt a dog. They both do a fabulous job rescuing their respected breed of dog.


Wondering how to get signed up?

Contact me here or shoot an email over to jenna@jennaregan.com and I’ll let you know about availability. We’ll compare schedules and lock in a time just for you and your dog! These sessions are all by appointment only and there are a limited number of spaces available so if you want to be a part of this be sure to contact me asap!

It’s going to be fabulously fun and I hope to see you and your adorable/funny/crazy dog there too!